RIP Internet Explorer

People are having feelings about Microsoft retiring the once-ubiquitous browser

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The Refresh from Insider
Pour one out for Internet Explorer. As of today, what was once the world’s most popular web browser is now retired. Jordan Erb writes Insider’s 10 Things in Tech newsletter and she says people who try to use Internet Explorer will now be directed to Microsoft Edge:  

TAPE ERB: And even though we've known about this for about a year, a lot of people are still feeling a lot of different ways about it. Some had already abandoned it for other browsers like Google Chrome, but for others, it really was their first introduction to searching the internet. So there's just a ton of nostalgia surrounding its retirement. (0:18s)

In 2003, about 95% of all internet users were using Internet Explorer. Isn’t that nuts? Anyway… Internet Explorer, we’re going to be okay. You can rest now.
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